Category: archive

  • Les Miserables School Edition on Stage Soon

    The award-winning Hanover High School Theatre Department will bring one of the most famous musicals in the world to the stage this spring. A cast and crew of dozens will present Les Miserables School Edition at the HHS Auditorium at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 7 and 8 and 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 9.

    lesmisTickets for the show are now available at the Hanover High School office during regular school hours. Advance tickets are $8 for adults and $7 for students. Tickets at the door are $10 for adults and $9 for students. More information on tickets is available by calling the high school at 717-637-9000.

    Based on the Victor Hugo novel of the same name, Les Miserables premiered in Paris in 1980. The London production has run continuously since 1985, the second-longest running musical anywhere behind the 42-year run of The Fantasticks.

    The musical features an elaborate set and one of the most recognized scores, including songs such as “One Day More,” “Master of the House,” “I Dreamed a Dream,” “Do You Hear the People Sing” and many more. Hanover’s show is directed by Rene Staub.

    The cast for Hanover’s production of Les Miserables School Edition features Isaac Silver as Valjean, Stephen R. Henderson III as Javert, Madison Hanlon-Reck as Fantine, Sam Vogel as Madame Thénardier, Finn Johnson as Thénardier, Lauren Pritt as Young Cosette, Rowan Barber as Gavroche, Isabelle Oropeza as Eponine, Benjamin Newman as Enjolras, Luke Mumma as Marius and Madison Maloney as Cosette.

    The Theatre Department at Hanover has won numerous Encore Awards, representing the best musical theatre productions in York County. The 2016 production of Jekyll & Hyde won Best Overall Performance from the 14 county districts participating in the awards. The 2015 production of Sunset Boulevard won Most Creative or Original Performance. Other recent musicals to win Encore Awards include 2014’s Aida (Best Dance Performance) and 2013’s Phantom of the Opera (Judges Award for Excellence).

    Silver has been honored as Outstanding Male Performer three times at the Encore Awards while three different Hanover students have won Outstanding Female Performer since 2013.

    To supplement the show experience, a Red White & Bleu Dinner will take place prior to the Saturday. April 8 performance. A $15 ticket includes a French-themed dinner served at the high school at 5 p.m. and a ticket to the show with preferred dinner patron seating near the front of the auditorum. Tickets are available at the high school for the event, which will benefit the Parents Association Supporting Theatre Arts (PASTA).

    Les Misérables School Edition is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). A musical by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg with Music by Claude-Michel Schonberg and lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer.

  • HHS Presents Jekyll & Hyde

    The award-winning drama program at Hanover High School will bring the Gothic thriller Jekyll & Hyde to the stage for its spring musical.

    Isaac Silver as Jekyll and Hyde

    The show will have 7 p.m. performances on Friday, April 8 and Saturday, April 9 with a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday, April 10. Advance tickets are $8 for adults and $7 for students and can be purchased at the HHS office from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Tickets will be $10 for adults and $9 for students at the door.

    The show is sponsored by OX Paper Tube & Core, Inc. and Jim’s Steaks South Street.

    Jekyll & Hyde features music by Frank Wildhorn, lyrics by Wildhorn, Leslie Bricusse and Steve Cuden and book by Leslie Bricusse. The show’s score was nominated for a Grammy and the 1997 Broadway production was nominated for a Tony. The show is the longest running show in the history of the Plymouth Theater.

    Featuring the hit song “This Is The Moment,” the show has been on four major tours, had more than 100 international productions and 32 recordings in 28 different languages. “This Is The Moment” has been performed at the Olympics, the World Series, the Super Bowl, the 1996 Democratic Convention and the presidential inauguration of George W. Bush.

    With beautiful ballads and big group numbers, Jekyll and Hyde brings the epic tale of good and evil to the stage. The show also has spawned a group of devoted fans who follow the show and call themselves “Jekkies.”

    The show tells the story of two men – one a doctor, passionate and romantic – the other, a terrifying madman; and two women – one, beautiful and trusting –the other, beautiful and trusting only herself. Both women are in love with the same man, and both are unaware of his dark secret. The story unfolds in gripping fashion with unforgettable songs like “Someone Like You” and “A New Life.”

    More than 60 students will take the stage under the direction of Rene Staub. Isaac Silver will play the title role while Bailey Kenworthy plays John Utterson, Jekyll’s lawyer and friend. Madison Maloney (Emma Carew) and Genevieve Moorhead (Lucy Harris) play the women in love with Jekyll. Colten Ehrhart plays Sir Danvers Carew, Emma’s father.

    Other featured players include Alexandra Rapp (Lady Beaconsfield), Michael Peterson Jr. (Simon Stride), Finn Johnson (Lord Savage/Spider), Khalique Bohde (Bishop of Basingstoke), Jarrett Klunk (Sir Archibald Proops), Brent Hill (General Lord Glossop), Sam Vogel (Nellie), Nick Seymour (Poole) and Alexander Kirk (Bisset).

  • January Improv Night

    Back by popular demand! Come See “9 out of 10 Dentists,” the improv troupe from Hanover High and Middle schools perform at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 16 at Hanover Middle School. Tickets are $5 and include dessert. The students will perform improv games similar to “Whose Line Is It Anyway.” The students entertained a great audience in October and look forward to another night of fun.



  • Bingo to Benefit Hanover Chorus Program

    A Coach and Cash Bingo to benefit the choral programs in the Hanover Public School District will take place on Sunday, November 8 at the St. Vincent de Paul Gymnasium, 220 Third Street Rear, Hanover.

    Tickets are $20 for 21 games. Doors will open at 12:30 p.m. with games beginning at 2 p.m. Raffles, door prizes and food will also be available.

    Proceeds will benefit the Parents Association Supporting Theatre Arts (PASTA), a parent-run organization which supports the drama and choral arts programs at Hanover Middle and High schools.

    To order tickets, contact Kathi at 717-632-8470 or Idonia at 717-476-2149.

  • Hanover HS Presents ‘Father of the Bride’

    FOTB PosterWedding bells will ring at Hanover High School in the fall production of Father of the Bride. The comedy will have three performances with a pair of shows on Saturday, Oct. 17 (2 p.m. and 7 p.m.) followed by a 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday, Oct. 18.

    Written by Caroline Francke, the play provided the inspiration for a pair of successful films of the same name, including the 1991 Steve Martin comedy. When Mr. Banks unexpectedly gets the news that his daughter Kay is engaged to her boyfriend Buckley, the wedding plans come together fast and furious – and so do the laughs.

    Rene Staub will direct a cast of nearly two dozen HHS students. Tickets for the show will be $7 for adults and $5 for students and are available by calling Hanover High School at 637-9000 or stopping by the school office during the school day.