Take a Bow Drama Camp

Students from all area schools are invited to the Take a Bow drama camp at Hanover Middle School. The camp, directed by Hanover music teacher Deb Smith, will run from June 10-14. The cost is $50 per camper.

There will be a session for students grades 1-4 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and another for students in grades 5-7 from noon to 3 p.m. Students will learn acting techniques, participate in theatre games and get the chance to sing and dance. The final class will include a performance for family and friends.

The camp is open to students from any area school.  All campers will receive a t-shirt and snacks. Proceeds from the camp will benefit the Parents Association Supporting Theatre Arts (PASTA) to fund drama productions at Hanover Middle and High schools.

For more information, please contact Deb Smith at 717-637-9000 or drsmith@hanoverpublic.org.